Cape Cod, MA – 08.14.14

Posted on August 25, 2014

We finally hit the road! Our families threw us a going away party and then we headed to Cape Cod, MA for some last minute family hang time. Saying goodbye is never easy but this isn’t goodbye, it’s see ya later!


Toaster for The Toaster

-We bought a toaster for The Toaster!

Going away party

-Ceara and Jon hanging before the going away party.

Going away party

-Never too many friends in The Toaster!

Backyard Toaster

-The Toaster sitting pretty in Toni’s backyard.

Three Generations

-Three generations of gals saying their farewells.

Jon and Toni

-Saying bye to best friends is never easy.

Lobster Rolls

-Dan’s dad getting really into his Cape Cod lobster right before a wedding.

Dan and Toni

-Hangin on the beach at the Cape before a friends wedding.



Toni Selfie with Willow

-Toni tries to take a selfie with Willow.

Dan and Friends

-Exploring Falmouth center with friends

Toni and Friends

-Abbey Road?

Dan on beach

-Beach day with the family.

All in all a successful start! We are excited to keep exploring and finally get out of Massachusetts. Stay tuned!
Over & Out,

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